(513) 422-5499

Lunch and Learn Activate Your Brain and Body


Wednesday September 11, 2024 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Traditions at Camargo
7650 Camargo Road
Madeira, Ohio 45243

Join us in the Traditions at Camargo Madeira Senior Center for an informative Lunch & Learn. Research clearly supports that exercise builds brain health. Our guest speaker, Mike Gelfot, Chief Operating Officer at Activate Brain & Body Fitness, will discuss the correlation between exercise and brain health in seniors. Whether you are genetically predisposed to cognitive decline, experiencing a foggy brain, noticing more forgetfulness, or just want to better understand the connection between brain and body health, you won’t want to miss this! Chef John will prepare a full lunch with dessert and beverages. Everyone in attendance will be entered to win a door prize!

Event is free and open to the public. RSVP to Stephanie Stoll at 5136930057
